Iowa Dental Board grants dental assistant licence to applicant with felony embezzlement conviction

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January 28, 2025

Iowa Dental Board grants dental assistant licence to applicant with felony embezzlement conviction

Sometimes dental practice owners assume that the professional bodies that issue licenses to dentists, hygienists and dental assistants perform periodic criminal records checks on their members and accordingly none of the members of these regulated professions should have criminal records.  

This is not true.  First, the criminal records done by licensing bodies are often at infrequent intervals; three years is a common cycle, which means that someone could have a criminal record for considerable time before it affected their licensing.  And second, a licensing body may agree to grant a license to someone notwithstanding a criminal record.  Read on for a description of one such occurrence.

The Iowa Dental Board has agreed to license a woman recently convicted of stealing almost $81,000 from Iowa businesses.

Board records indicate Danielle Kay Quandt, 30, of Davenport, is planning to submit to the board an application for a certificate of registration as an Iowa dental assistant once she completes examinations and education.

The board recently agreed to grant Quandt a certificate of registration that will be subject to probationary status for the three-year duration of her criminal probation in a theft case.

Police records indicate that in September 2022, the Davenport Police Department accepted a report of misappropriation of business expenses. Fifteen months later, in December 2023, police charged Quandt with felony first-degree theft, alleging she stole a total of $80,950 from three Iowa companies whose properties she managed through her business, Gold Finch Realty QC.

According to police, Quandt, then known as Danielle Petrekovich and Danielle Petre, had been hired to manage the properties of Redtail Homes, Argentum Properties, and Red Cloud Holdings. Between March and June of 2022, police alleged, Quandt misappropriated $80,950 from her three business clients.

It was later alleged that she owed an additional $24,000 to a fourth victim in the case, Nicholas Spohn, although the available court records do not provide details on the nature of that obligation.

As part an agreement with prosecutors, Quandt pleaded guilty to first-degree theft in return for a recommended sentence of three years’ probation. She was later given a 10-year suspended prison sentence, fined $1,370, and ordered to serve three years of probation. She was also ordered to pay $113,272 in restitution, although that requirement is expected to be contested at a hearing now scheduled for April 1.

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