Prosperident Pulse #77 December 2018

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Prosperident Pulse #77 December 2018

Dental Prosperident Pulse from Prosperident
Issue #77 -- December 2018
Win Cool Stuff!
Like to win great prizes? Well, then you should “Like” our Prosperident Facebook page to be entered in our monthly draw! Click the button below to view our page. And “Like” us while you’re there. The next draw is on December 1st.
Liven up your meeting
She didn't look so happy after we confirmed that she was stealing! Hear her story and many others.
Did you know that there are some topics that we will ONLY discuss at closed-door, live events?
See us live if you want the full story.
Here are some places where we will be speaking soon:
Nov 28 Connecticut Study Club for Excellence, Manchester CT
Dec 4 Southeast Study Club, Auburn AL
Dec 5 Greater Charlotte Study Club, Huntersville NC
Jan 17 Patterson Dental, El Segundo CA
Jan 18 Patterson Dental, San Diego CA
Jan 27 Southwest Society of Periodontists, Irving TX
Feb 6 Dr. Quynh-Thuyen Tran Study Club, Sugar Land, TX
Feb 8 Select Study Club, Evansville IN
Feb 8 Houston Asian American Dental Society, Houston TX
Feb 11 Wasatch Oral Surgery, Jordan UT
Mar 1 Ortho2 User Group Meeting, Fort Worth TX
Mar 13 Patterson Dental, Philadelphia PA
Mar 27 District of Columbia AGD, Washington DC
Apr 12 American Association of Endodontists, Montreal QC
Apr 14 New Dentist BOOST Study Club, Philadelphia PA
Apr 26 Maryland State Dental Association, Columbia MD
Apr 26 Star of the North Meeting, St. Paul MN
Apr 29 Vancouver & District Dental Society Vancouver BC
May 3 American Association of Orthodontists, Los Angeles CA
May 7 Seattle Study Club, Atlanta GA
May 8 North County Women's Study Club, Carlsbad CA
Sep 13 Orthopreneurs Summit, Dallas TX
Oct 7 Colorado Prosthodontic Society, Denver CO
To book us for your meeting or study club, click HERE or call us at 888-398-2327.
Did you miss a previous newsletter? We archive them HERE.
Embezzler of the Month
Robin Bernazzani of Durango, Colorado has recently confessed to embezzling more than $500,000 from the dental office where she worked.
You can read about Robin in our Hall of Shame, along with about 500 other embezzlers.
The Danger of Dabblers
Remember when, as a child, you thought that your parents knew EVERYTHING? As you got older, you realized that, like everyone else, their knowledge had limits, but at an impressionable young age these boundaries were not apparent.
Sometimes adults make the same mistake, and they improperly consider someone who knows slightly more than they do about a topic as an "expert."
Lots of people claim to have knowledge in our field; in some cases, these claims are supported by professional qualifications and years of experience, whereas others who claim expertise are unaware of the shallowness of their knowledge, or are blindly pursuing what they perceive as a business opportunity.
Embezzlement is a highly technical crime. Whether you want your practice's finances investigated or you wish to avoid embezzlement in future, please ensure that you are dealing with a true expert.
You can learn more about our company HERE.
Something To Talk About...
Black Friday, Cyber Monday and of course, Boxing Day!
It’s official! With Thanksgiving now under our loosened belts, we have entered the season of “perpetual hope.” What better way to kick off the most wonderful time of the year than by getting together with family, enjoying great food and hopefully a few laughs?
One Thanksgiving tradition many of us indulge in, besides three helpings of dessert, is taking advantage of the fantastic deals to be had on Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Boxing Day.
It has always amazed me how people (me included!) will buy almost anything that has a sizable discount offered with it. We buy things we need as well as a few things that we will never get value from, no matter how deep the discount. More often than not we purchase unnecessary or poor quality items because an aggressive salesperson made us feel that there was NEVER a better time to buy. The truth is some things are not meant for deep discounts, and what appears to be aggressive price slashing should make you wary.
Think denuded beef tenderloin, a rare bottle of single malt scotch, this year’s designer shoes, and of course dental embezzlement investigation products and services.
When a deal seems too good to be true, it usually is. I for one will be taking advantage of all of this season’s great deals, but I’m also going to be focused on getting what I’ve paid for. Not all bargains are great deals, and the adage “buyer beware” is worth applying to certain discounts not only during the holidays but all year round!
My team and I want to wish you and yours the very best that this holiday season has to offer.
David Harris
We are Prosperident, Dentistry's Embezzlement Experts
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