Prosperident Pulse #46, June 2016

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Prosperident Pulse #46, June 2016

Prosperident's Dental Prosperident Pulse
Issue #46 -- June 2016
In This Issue:
    • Podcasts
    • The "Hall of Shame"
  • Upcoming Speaking Dates
  • Our CEO's Rant
Jun 10 speaking and Consulting Network, Santa Fe NM
Jun 17 New Brunswick Dental Society, Fredericton NB
Jul 12 All Star Dental Academy Webinar
Aug 4 Alabama AGD, Destin FL
Sep 9 Seattle Study Club, Houston TX
Oct 15 Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists, Palm Springs CA
Oct 21 Argyle Group, Ottawa ON
Oct 28 Spectrum Day, Toronto ON
Nov 4 PEAK Education, Novi MI
Nov 10 Carestream Global Oral Health Summit, Las Vegas NV
Nov 16 Harbor Dental Society, Lakeside CA
Jan 18 St Helens Shadow Study Club, Vancouver WA
Jan 26 topsOrtho topsFest, Newport Beach CA
26 Jan Manitoba Dental Association, Winnipeg MB
Feb 3 Newport Harbor Academy of Dentistry, Newport Beach CA
Feb 24 Chicago Midwinter Meeting, Chicago IL
Mar 9 Greater Philadelphia Valley Forge Dental Society, Philadelphia PA
Mar 10 Pacific Dental Conference, Vancouver BC
April 7 UCSF Alumni, San Francisco CA
Tired of hearing the same speakers on the same topics?
Our most-requested presentation is called "How To Steal From A Dentist."
To book us for your meeting or study club, click here or call us at 888-398-2327.
For more information, click here
Did you miss a previous newsletter? We archive them here.
Prosperident Podcasts
Our CEO has had the privilege of being interviewed by some of the most interesting people in dentistry. Here are some of his favorites:
the hilarious Drs. Jason Lipscomb and Alan Mead-- here
Dr. Wes Blakeslee of AGD -- here
Dr. Anissa Holmes, social media goddess -- here
The urbane Dr. Mark Costes -- here
We've done lots more -- you can see the full collection in our Media Room here.
Prosperident Hall of Shame

Our Hall of Shame immortalizes some of the people who embezzle from dentists.
Click here to have a look. And if you see anyone you recognize, give Prosperident a call.
A Note From Our CEO
I know that I have talked about these things before, but they keep coming up in conversations with doctors, so this month I'll devote this column to addressing some of the misconceptions about embezzlement that just won't seem to go away.
Myth # 1 -- Cash vs. Checks
Almost every dentist I speak with believes that embezzlement is limited to cash theft, and it hasn't occurred to them that embezzlers have found ways to steal checks payable to the doctor, credit card payments, and electronic funds transfers. Because there are almost certainly some nascent embezzlers reading this column, I won't spell out here how it is done, but this is something that we see on a daily basis. Practice owners need to know that any form of wealth transfer can be adulterated by an embezzler, and they don't have to be a Mensa member to do it. A bit of research and a modicum of creativity will suffice.
Myth # 2 -- I Can't Fire Them Yet
Another misconception is that doctors believe that their recourse against a thieving employee diminishes when that employee is fired or quits. I frequently encounter dentists who suspect a former employee of embezzlement, but believe that they have no ability to take action because the employee no longer works there, and others who believe that they must keep an otherwise unsatisfactory employee on the payroll until our investigation is complete.
Let me make this very simple. Stealing is stealing, regardless of whether or not the person who did it is still (or ever was) an employee. So yes, we can investigate the actions of an employee who is no longer working for you, and no, there is no reason to keep an employee you really don't want anyway while our investigation take place.
Have embezzlement concerns? Want to make your practice better protected against embezzlement? Give Prosperident a call at 888-398-2327 and we will be happy to help. Or click here.
Thanks for reading.
David Harris CPA, CMA, MBA, CFE, CFF
Chief Executive Officer
Prosperident -- the world's largest dental embezzlement investigation firm
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