Prosperident Pulse #49, September 2016

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Prosperident Pulse #49, September 2016

Prosperident's Dental Prosperident Pulse
Issue #49 -- September 2016
In This Issue:
  • Guest columnist Laura Hatch
  • Upcoming speaking dates
  • A note from our CEO
Sep 9 Seattle Study Club, Houston TX
Sep 21 Canadian Dental Protective Association, Toronto ON
Sep 30 Calgary Specialists Study Club, Calgary AB
Oct 13 Sunset Study Club, Portland OR
Oct 15 Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists, Palm Springs CA
Oct 21 Argyle Group, Ottawa ON
Oct 22 Alberta Society of Dental Specialists, Edmonton, AB
Oct 28 Spectrum Day, Toronto ON
Nov 4 New Castle Dental Study Club, Wilmington DE
Nov 4 PEAK Education, Novi MI
Nov 10 Carestream Global Oral Health Summit, Las Vegas NV
Nov 16 Harbor Dental Society, Lakeside CA
Jan 19 St Helens Shadow Study Club, Vancouver WA
Jan 26 topsOrtho topsFest, Newport Beach CA
Jan 28 Manitoba Dental Association, Winnipeg MB
Feb 3 Newport Harbor Academy of Dentistry, Newport Beach CA
Feb 23 Ortho2 UGM Anaheim CA
Feb 24 Chicago Midwinter Meeting, Chicago IL
Mar 9 Greater Philadelphia Valley Forge Dental Society, Philadelphia PA
Mar 10 Pacific Dental Conference, Vancouver BC
Mar 21
Greater Woonsocket District Dental Society, Providence RI
April 7 UCSF Alumni, San Francisco CA
Apr 28 Keely Dental Society, Hamilton OH
Our most-requested presentation is called "How To Steal From A Dentist."
To book us for your meeting or study club, click here or call us at 888-398-2327.
Our Newest Investigator
Prosperident is pleased to welcome Tony Ulbrandt to our cadre of talented investigators. Tony comes to us with a Master's Degree in Forensic Accounting and a decade of experience. Welcome, Tony!
Probability of you being embezzled in your career -60%
Probability that you will regret deleting this newsletter if that happens -100%
Did you miss a previous newsletter? We archive them here.
Guest Post -- Laura Hatch returns!
One of our most popular guest columnists is back. See what Laura Hatch has to say:

Speed vs. Quality: Three Reasons Why Being Productive is Not Your Only Concern

Dentists focus a lot on production. I hear these questions all the time: “How can I produce more in a certain period of time? How can I make my hygienists more productive?” Dentists are constantly asking, “What was our production today versus goal?” As owners or managers of a dental office, we are always looking for ways to become more efficient with the schedule, simply because more production typically equates to more collections.
It’s true that production (along with collections and new patients) needs to be monitored and achieved on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. It’s important to keep those numbers up.
Read More
When you are in our line of work, it's easy to believe that you have seen everything. But some recent goings on in the Tulsa OK dental office of Dr. Bert Franklin suggest otherwise. Murder, adultery, embezzlement, 20 complaints by patients, a state board suspension, and two staff members impersonating dentists -- all in the same office. Definitely an interesting read -- find out more here.
A Note From Our CEO
I had an interesting discussion the other day with a learned (and outspoken) friend. The topic was the possibility of being embezzled by a spouse. My friend lives in the "real world" and acknowledged the possibility, but also found the topic uncomfortable and probably self-fulfilling (in other words, not trusting your spouse makes embezzlement, and its frequent companion, divorce, more likely).
While I can't fault my friend's logic, I can recall a number of situations where spouses embezzled. Typically, these do not become public, but an example is here.
The way that humans address trust is interesting. To us, trust is binary -- someone is either "trustworthy" or they are not. Also, we have a positive bias in that we want to trust people. And we also want to get the trust question out of the way early in our relationship with a person, never to be revisited.
So we assume that certain people are "above suspicion." I can always surprise an audience of dentists when I show them examples of:
  • Dentists stealing from each other in group practices -- see examples here and here
  • Spouses embezzling from dentists
  • Adult children embezzling from a parent's office (see an example here)
Similarly, strong religious beliefs don't mean someone will not embezzle. The story here shows a pillar of the Seventh Day Adventist community going to prison for embezzlement.
Are the majority of people dishonest? Of course not. But we need to resist our human tendency to believe that some personal characteristic makes people trustworthy.
Ultimately, almost anyone can find themselves in a situation where they view stealing your money as the solutions to their problems, and we need to be mindful that trust is a concept that needs to be re-evaluated over time.
Thanks for reading.
David Harris CPA, CMA, MBA, CFE, CFF
Chief Executive Officer
Prosperident -- the world's largest dental embezzlement investigation firm
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