The Prosperident Pulse #121 August 2022

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The Prosperident Pulse #121 August 2022

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Phone: 888-398-2327 Web: August 2022

Did you miss one of our webinars?
Prosperident puts on some great webinars. Some feature our own team discussing embezzlement, and we also welcome amazing guests like the amazing Dr. Rich Madow.
Summer is a great time to catch up on our recorded content. You can check out any of our 23 archived webinars HERE.
We will be announcing our fall schedule soon. Stay tuned!
Want a great speaker for your event?
We have great titles like "They didn't teach me THAT in dental school" and "How to Outsmart the Thief in Your Practice."
If you would like to learn more about our speakers or read audience reviews, check out THIS LINK.
Here are some of the places you can see us soon:
Sep 8 California Dental Association San Francisco CA
Sep 15 Smile Source Exchange Savannah GA
Sep 30 Arkansas Association of Orthodontists Fayetteville AR
Oct 7 Bent Ericksen's Definitive Dental HR Conference Denver CO
Nov 9 Middlesex Dental Society Waltham MA
Nov 10 Manchester Dental Society Manchester NH
Nov 29 Greater New York Dental Meeting
New York NY
Feb 16 South Charlotte Study Club Charlotte NC
Mar 9 Pacific Dental Conference Vancouver BC
Mar 17 Course Crawl Milwaukee WI
Mar 31 Niagara Peninsula Dental Society Niagara-on-the-Lake ON
May 4 Michigan Dental Association Grand Rapids MI
In Dental Economics -- Practical Approaches for Embezzlement Protection
Prosperident's Scott Clifford and David Harris were recently featured in Dental Economics where they outlined a simplified way to monitor practice finances. Here is what they wrote:
Some dentists monitor their finances effectively, and then there are the other 80%.
It is well established that dentists who are oblivious to the financial operation of their practices are more prone to embezzlement, so why is compliance with this basic element of ownership so low?
When dentists with embezzlement concerns call us, we probe into the monitoring being performed, because this often provides clues to the methodology used to embezzle.
The View from the CEO's Chair
Teamwork is a vital component of a successful dental practice. You want the patient's interaction to flow smoothly from booking the appointment to welcoming them to your office to treatment to payment to rebooking. You and every member of your team have a role in delivering an excellent patient experience, and it is terrific when it all comes together.
The same principle applies at Prosperident. Whether a client is coming to us for an embezzlement investigation or our proactive services, our clients expect a smooth process and great communication. You have heard me praise our team of fraud examiners, but there is more to the story.
We also have a noteworthy group of behind-the-scenes people who make the experience of our clients smooth. This group is headed by Kathy Kirkby, our COO, who tirelessly pushes us all to find efficiencies in our processes. The ultra-organized Hailey Irvine helps clients deliver the information we need to work, and the IT team headed by Jacob Hiltz obtains access to clients' practice management software and often pulls rabbits out of hats when, for instance, a doctor has been locked out of their own software. Chief Communications Officer Sheilagh O'Driscoll makes sure that our outgoing communications are sparkling.
In the same way that “it takes a village” to give a patient a great experience in your practice, these unsung heroes are an integral part of giving our Prosperident clients the best possible experience at particularly stressful times in their loves.
If you would like to discuss your practice, click HERE to speak with me.

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